Duke Resources to Consider Before Travel
Below you will find information and links to offices and units at Duke who play a role and support global travel. Duke Travelers - whether students, staff or faculty - are encouraged to consider all aspects of their travel and global engagement and to reach out to these resources for their assistance and advice well in advance of your planned departure.
Corporate Risk Management works to ensure the safety of the people and assets of Duke University, guarding them from risk of injury or financial loss. The Corporate Risk Management (CRM) office manages the various insurance programs for the University including property insurance, general liability insurance and automobile insurance as well as the International SOS Plan. CRM also works in partnership with Campus Police, the Occupational and Environmental Safety Office and the University Counsel's Office to evaluate potential hazards and risks.
Duke Visa Services works with federal and state government agencies, international organizations, and public and private entities to obtain appropriate visa documentation for admission to the United States, authorization for employment, and maintenance of legal status for our international population. Note: prior to traveling outside the United States, if you are an employee or scholar whose visa was sponsored by Duke to enter the U.S., you should check with your DVS Advisor far in advance of your planned travel as it may have an impact on your legal status in the U.S.
Employee Travel & Reimbursement serves as your primary contact for questions or issues related to employee and student reimbursements. Employee Travel & Reimbursement is also responsible for auditing all employee and student travel reimbursement requests to ensure compliance with Duke policy and the IRS regulations.
Export Controls ensures that Duke University is fully compliant with the Federal and State Laws and Regulations as it regards exports, including the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and other bodies of export regulations. Areas where Export Controls provides additional information, guidance and can faciliate license acquisition include Anti-Boycott, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Research and Conferences Overseas, Sanctioned Countries, Sending Goods Oversears and when Traveling with a Laptop. Duke faculty and staff should contact this office prior to engaging with individuals or entities in sanctioned countries (e.g., Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria). Export Control laws are complex and specific to each situation therefore Duke created this office to aid in compliance with these laws.
Office of Information Technology assists travelers who will be using Duke-owned or personal devices to access Duke resources from abroad. Travelers must be aware of the rules to follow in order to protect Duke's data and resources when remotely accessing data from off campus. OIT's Global IT Checklist provides advice and recommendations specifically for travelers and their Stay Safe While Traveling page.